Office of Secretary
Minutes of Regular Meeting
September 7, 1999
The Board of Directors of the Kittitas Reclamation District met in Regular Session on Tuesday September 7, 1999. Directors in attendance were Chairman Urban Eberhart, Jim Schnebly, Paul Weaver and Larry Bland. Also in attendance were Paul Harrel, Ben George, Janeice Jump, Jack Carpenter, Barbara Pettit and Legal Counsel John Gilreath.
A motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Larry Bland approved the agenda with the addition of an Executive Session for Legal Issues. The motion passed unanimously.
The minutes of the August 3, 1999 meeting were approved as corrected with a motion from Larry Bland and seconded by Jim Schnebly. The motion passed unanimously.
Moving to water update Mr. Carpenter discussed the amended turnoff date of October 8, 1999 explaining the turnoff date was amended to help facilitate landowner crops. Based on discussion with Boss Construction and phone consensus from Directors the turnoff date was amended from October 2, 1999 to October 8, 1999.. Mr. Carpenter further apprised the Board the projection continues to be 100% water year and discussions with the Bureau of Reclamation indicate KRD should be able to run strong through September. Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board with water temperature of the Yakima River being between 9 - 11 degrees cooler than 1998 flip flop was implemented on September 3, 1999. Mr. Carpenter further explained no formal decisions have been determined regarding alternatives on Keechelus Dam.
Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board he participated in the River Ops. Meeting August 4th; August 5th Mr. Carpenter participated in the Manager’s meeting regarding audit of USBR O & M; August 9th – 13th Mr. Carpenter attended the NWRA Western Water Seminar in Durango, Colorado; August 19th Mr. Carpenter met with and facilitated a tour of district facilities with David L. Wilkinson, CNA Commercial Insurance Loss Control Specialist; August 24th Mr. Carpenter and Phil Bloom toured the pumping plant for trash rack plan and development, review of pumping plant for potential failure response and turbine, pump efficiency tests. August 25th Mr. Carpenter and Jim Schnebly met with Joe Mentor, Trendwest; August 26th Mr. Carpenter attended the TCWRA meeting; August 27th Mr. Carpenter attended the Joint Board and facilitated a USBR pipeline projects environmental tour; August 31st Mr. Carpenter attended the WSWRA meeting. Mr. Caprenter, Urban Eberhart and Jim Schnebly met with Boss Construction for a pre-construction contract meeting; September 2nd Mr. Carpenter participated in a tour of Roza Dam and the USBR River Ops. meeting.
Continuing under Old Business Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board no response has been received from Flow/Safeworks on the manlift. Mr. Carpenter further explained he has been in contact with the Bureau of Reclamation regarding alternative inspection methods using repelling equipment.
Mr. Carpenter presented information on the Liner Project explaining a contract-signing meeting was held on August 31st. The total bid cost of the contract with Boss Construction was $206,372.62 with a change order for $4,636.80 for a total contract cost of $211,009.42. Discussion followed regarding the water shut off date set for October 8th and an estimated project completion no later than Thanksgiving, 1999.
Moving to Taneum Contract and following discussion it was the consensus to table further discussion until Paul Weaver arrived.
Janeice Jump presented a question to Chairman Urban Eberhart regarding Board attendance policy and questioned Paul Weaver’s attendance. Chairman Urban Eberhart explained the Board attendance policy question would be reviewed.
Continuing under Old Business Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board the CD was reinvested
for 180 days at 5.6% with Sterling Savings.
Mr. Carpenter presented information on the Comprehensive Plan explaining Dick Haapala, CH2Mhill submitted a response on the Feasibility Investigation Team with an additional scope of work for consideration of additional planning for KRD on tributaries and conserved waters.
Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board the KCWP 319 Grant was approved and a meeting is scheduled with DOE on September 14, 1999 to discuss accounting and deliverable language in the grant.
Moving to New Business Mr. Carpenter presented the Eligibility Update Notice with the Department of General Administration for signature.
Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board of the Lewis vs. Eliason Sec. 6 Twn. 16 Rng. 19 explaining historically KRD has used the access for O & M work and Mr. Eliason has proposed building a parking lot on the easement.
Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board the State of Washington PERS retirement system has decreased the employer contribution rate effective July 1, 1999. Mr. Carpenter distributed a letter from the Union regarding the change in the PERS retirement contribution.
Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board test results from the well that supplies the Pumping Plant house water have returned as unacceptable and bottled water is being provided until the source of contamination is found and corrected.
Mr. Carpenter presented the Ernie and Lucy Patty Crossing Agreement explaining Mr. Patty requested being placed on the agenda and has not arrived. Discussion followed with the consensus the crossing agreement be tabled to allow Mr. Patty to be present.
Mr. Carpenter presented the Gerald Gunn Short Plat Sec. 27,34 Twn. 18 Rng. 19 and the Pat Jenkins Short Plat Sec. 27,34 Twn. 18 Rng. 19 explaining the short plats are in the process meeting the General Guidelines. Discussion followed with a motion from Larry Bland and seconded by Jim Schnebly the Gerald Gunn and Pat Jenkins Short Plats be approved with the stipulation Jim Schnebly and Jack Carpenter work with Gerald Gunn and Pat Jenkins to comply with the General Guidelines. The motion passed unanimously.
Paul Weaver entered the meeting at this time.
Mr. Carpenter presented the Steve Willard Plats Sec. 24,25,30 Twn. 18 Rng. 19 explaining the plats have previously been presented and approved by the Board explaining boundary lines have been changed and adjusted. A motion by Jim Schnebly and seconded by Larry Bland re- approved the Steve Willard Plats as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Carpenter presented the Melvin Gallanger turnout request Sec. 23 Twn. 18 Rng. 19 explaining Mr. Gallanger is requesting a new turnout to service adjoining properties. Discussion followed with the recommendation affected landowners are contacted and the turnout request be placed on the October agenda.
Moving to the Paulino Basterrechea Crossing Permit Sec. 11 Twn. 20 Rng. 13 Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board Basterrechea’s are requesting approval to install a portion of their septic system on a small parcel of land deeded to KRD. Discussion followed with the recommendation KRD vacate the parcel of land and declare it surplus with the suggestion Basterrechea pursue purchasing the parcel.
Returning to Ernie and Lucy Patty Mr. Carpenter presented a crossing permit Sec. 2 Twn. 17 Rng. 17. Discussion followed with a motion from Larry Bland and seconded by Jim Schnebly approving the crossing permit as presented with the stipulation the permit be authorized for a single residence use only. The motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board John Scott submitted his letter of resignation as he sold his property. Mr. Carpenter distributed RCW criteria for filling the director position.
Upcoming Meetings:
September 13th RSBOJC Sunnyside
September 15th WSWRA Chelan
September 21st KCWP Agenda Mtg. KRD September 23rd TCWRA Ellensburg
September 24th Joint Board Yakima
September 30th KCWP Sterling Savings
Moving to Other Business Mr. Carpenter distributed the 2000 Union wage proposal.
Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board Lauren Belsaas retired August 31, 1999 explaining he has advertised for maintenance and ditchrider positions. Mr. Carpenter distributed an information sheet, prepared by Roger Satnik, on water quality and fecal coliform.
Deviating to Old Business the Taneum Contract discussion continued with a motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Paul Weaver the Taneum Contract be approved as presented with the stipulation Taneum Board approve the contract as presented and the locations and names of spills be marked on the existing map and be presented for signatures at the October meeting. The motion passed unanimously.
Ernie Patty entered the meeting at this time. Mr. Patty was apprised his permit was approved.
Mr. Patty left the meeting at this time.
Returning to the agenda the Board adjourned to Executive Session at 2:43 p.m. for 30 minutes to discuss legal matters with a motion from Paul Weaver and seconded by Larry. Bland. The motion passed unanimously. Chairman Urban Eberhart announced a 10 minutes extension at 3:13 p.m. The Board returned to Regular Session at 3:23 with a motion from Paul Weaver and seconded by Jim Schnebly. The motion passed unanimously.
A motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Larry Bland authorized Legal Counsel John Gilreath to bring a lawsuit against Flow International. The motion passed unanimously.
A motion from Paul Weaver and seconded by Larry Bland approved accepting the low bid on the canal liner project of $206,372.62 from Boss Construction with the add on of $4,636.80.
The motion passed unanimously.
Summary Vouchers for the month of July, 1999 expenses Vouchers #16195 & 16667-16788 in the sum of $109,471.67 were presented for approval. A motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Paul Weaver approved the Summary Vouchers as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
The Directors monthly Payroll Vouchers were presented for signatures and checks distributed accordingly.
All Business having been concluded the meeting adjourned.
Jack W. Carpenter - Secretary-Manager
Urban Eberhart - Chairman