Office of Secretary
Minutes of Regular Meeting
September 6, 2005

The Board of Directors of the Kittitas Reclamation District met in Regular Session on September 6, 2005. Directors in attendance were Chairman Jim Schnebly, Vice Chairman Larry Bland, Urban Eberhart, Brad Haberman and Ed Wakkuri. Also in attendance were Janeice Jump, Ben George, Paul Green, Roger Satnik, Kathleen Satnik,
Barbara Pettit, Ken Hasbrouck and Legal Counsel John Gilreath.

The agenda was approved with the addition of an Executive Session with a motion from Ed Wakkuri and seconded by Larry Bland. The motion passed unanimously.

The minutes of the August 2, 2005 meeting were approved by a motion from Urban Eberhart and seconded by Brad Haberman. The motion passed unanimously.

Moving to Water Update Ken Hasbrouck apprised the Board September 7, 2005 is the start of Flip-Flop Operations at 1146. Ken continued explaining KRD will continue running Cascade Irrigation District water through September 20th.

Paul Green presented a maintenance update explaining the pump ditch pipeline project is ahead of schedule with pipe scheduled for delivery beginning September 15th.

Kathleen Satnik presented a KCWP Update explaining KRD ended the 2005 water year with a turbidity of 13 NTU with the DOE turbidity compliance target of 18.6 NTU for 2006. Kathleen presented updated information on the sediment TMDL explaining all compliance points are under the 2006 DOE compliance targets. Ken Hasbrouck presented information on a diversion structure located on Manastash Creek on property owned by Zubair Hamir and Mike Boyle Sec. 7 Twn. 17 R. 18 Manastash Creek explaining Carol Ready requested KRD state there is no interest in the Manastash Creek structure. A motion from Larry Bland and seconded by Brad Haberman stated KRD has no interest in the Manastash Creek diversion structure located on the Zubair Hamir and Mike Boyle property. The motion passed unanimously. Kathleen apprised the Board a KCWP Newsletter will be mailed in October and a public meeting is scheduled for November 17th.

Moving to Keechelus Dam update Ken Hasbrouck distributed updated information on the 2006 Keechelus proposed billing and USBR budget.

Ken Hasbrouck apprised the Board a meeting on the Wallace Ranch has been scheduled for October 13th at the USBR office in Yakima.

Moving to New Business Dave Duncan Sec. 1 Twn. 17 Rng. 17 and Sec. 36 Twn. 18 Rng. 17; George Lems Sec. 25 Twn. 18 Rng. 19; Donna Basteyns Sec. 35 Twn. 17 Rng. 19; Paul Beiter Sec. 3 Twn. 16 Rng 19; Lowery West Sec. 5 Twn. 16 Rng. 16 and Theilen Howe Sec. 14 Twn. 20 Rng. 13 land divisions were presented for approval subject to meeting the general guidelines. A motion from Urban Eberhart and seconded by Ed Wakkuri approved the land divisions as presented subject to meeting the general guidelines. The motion passed unanimously.

Barbara Pettit apprised the Board the exit conference with the State Auditor's Office is scheduled for September 19, 2005.

Ken Hasbrouck presented the $335,000.00 DOE Grant Agreement for the pump ditch pipeline and various lateral piping for approval. Discussion followed with the consensus KRD sign the agreement with DOE.

Ken Hasbrouck distributed the David Lund letter for review and discussion. Discussion followed with the recommendation Ken Hasbrouck meet with David Lund.

The Rodney McNickle Crossing Permit Sec. 5 Twn. 9 Rng. 15 was presented for approval. A motion from Ed Wakkuri and seconded by Urban Eberhart approved the Rodney McNickle Crossing Permit for single residential access as presented. The motion passed unanimously.

Barbara Pettit presented a records management update and presented a records destruction and transfer authorization form for signatures.

Upcoming Meetings:

September 8th River Ops USBR September 19th Exit Conference KRD
September 27th KCWP KRD

Moving to Other Business Ben George addressed the Board and extended an invitation to a Taneum Canal Co. stock water agreement meeting at the George ranch at 10:30 a.m. on September 12, 2005. The August expenses for Jack Carpenter were presented for approval. A motion from Urban Eberhart and seconded by Brad Haberman approved the bill as presented. The motion passed unanimously.

Legal Counsel John Gilreath presented a request from James and Darlene Hembree, the owners of Sun Country, for the abandonment of two rights-of-way deeded to the KRD in 1926 and 1929 and KRD inturn deeded them to the United States. Legal Counsel John Gilreath continued explaining James and Darlene Hembree are requesting a letter be sent to the USBR for abandonment or vacation if the rights-of-way are not needed. Ken Hasbrouck apprised the Board he will research the rights-of-way and provide the information as soon as possible.

The Directors monthly payroll vouchers were presented for signature and checks distributed accordingly.

The Summary Vouchers for July expenses Vouchers #26177-26293 & 26295 in the sum of $148,135.13 were presented approved by a motion from Ed Wakkuri and seconded by Urban Eberhart. The motion passed unanimously.

All Business having been concluded the meeting adjourned.

Jim Schnebly - Chairman
Kenneth J. Hasbrouck - Secretary-Manager


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