Office of the Secretary Manager

Kittitas Reclamation District Board of Directors Meeting

July 11, 2017 Minutes


The Board of Directors of the Kittitas Reclamation District (KRD) met in Regular Session on July 11, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. Attending the meeting were Division One Director and Chairman Mark Hansen, Division Four Director and Vice Chairman Larry Bland, Division Three Director Fred Schnebly, Division Two Director Ed Wakkuri, Division Five Director Paul Weaver, Secretary Manager Urban Eberhart, Legal Counsel Jeff Slothower, Assistant Manager Kevin Eslinger, Field Supervisor Bob Main, Treasurer Stacy Berg, Treasurer Barbara Pettit and GIS IT / Water Quality Specialist Roger Satnik. Also attending were land owners Janeice Jump, Mark Charlton and Ralph Kratz.


The agenda was approved with the addition of an executive session for reasons consistent with RCW 42.30.110(1)(b) and RCW 42.30.110(1)(i):(i). The motion was made by Director Wakkuri and the second was made by Director Schnebly. The motion passed unanimously.


The minutes of the June 6, 2017 meeting were approved with a motion made by Director Bland and the second made by Director Weaver. The motion passed unanimously.


Water Update: Mr. Main presented the current water supply information from the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR). Presently the reservoirs are at 94% capacity overall which is 111% of average. Storage control began on June 29, 2017 and the USBR anticipates a 100% water supply. KRD is currently diverting 1,115 cfs and will increase to 1,125 cfs by the end of the day. On July 11th, the recorded precipitation for 2017 is 225.56 inches, 105 % of average. There has been no measurable precipitation so far in July. He also reported that since the completion of Phase One of the North Branch Lining the estimate is that the capacity of the tunnel under I-90 has increased somewhere between 20 and 30 cfs because of the reduced head pressure at the outlet end of the tunnel.   


Summary Vouchers for the May, 2017 expenses and the June, 2017 payroll which included check numbers 41247 through 41324 and direct deposit numbers 9901137 through 9901155 in the sum of $562,423.83 were approved with a motion made by Director Schnebly and the second made by Director Bland. The motion passed unanimously. The Directors’ monthly payroll vouchers were presented for signatures and checks were distributed accordingly.


Maintenance Update: Mr. Main reported that the crews are continuing to spray and mow. The weep drain measuring devices have been completed and KRD will begin tracking measurements. Maintenance crews are working in the Badger Pocket area stockpiling bedding material for future pipeline projects. It was confirmed that the Easton house has an existing well that is 225 ft deep. A water sample test will be scheduled to determine the water quality.


Public Comment: No public comment.


Secretary Manager’s Activity Report: Mr. Eberhart updated the Board on the passing of long time Roza Irrigation District Employee Ron Van Gundy. Funeral services are July 14, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. at Smith Funeral Home in Sunnyside. Mr. Van Gundy was an integral part of the Yakima Basin Integrated Plan and will be greatly missed.


KRD is continuing to work with USBR on the North Branch Canal Lining Project. More of the funding questions are expected to be answered in the next week and the projects will follow thereafter. The funding will be from a combination of both state and federal sources.


The first phase of the South Branch Lining Design is complete. KRD is in the process of obtaining an estimate for the next phase of a South Branch design which is expected to be completed at a later date.  


The Water Storage Site Assessment has been received. There is approximately 54,000-acre feet of new storage space identified in the top 10 sites and approximately 143,000-acre feet identified in total. Next, KRD will begin phase II of the project to narrow down the choices to between 1 and 3 sites. Phase II is estimated to cost approximately $100,000.00. KRD will then start working on sources of funding to build new water storage to capture excess flows when they are available which will increase Total Water Supply Available.  


Whiskey Creek is continuing to move forward as was discussed in June. This new connection to the river could be a factor in determining which storage facility is to be located first.


KCCD, USBR, KRD discussions continue regarding 2018 Manastash Operations. It is estimated that $41,600.00 of funding will be necessary in 2018 for the operation of the Manastash through KRD.


There is an established list of member entities for the Tributary Supplementation Committee. The group is expected to meet near the end of July or in August.


Nothing new on the Manastash Trail.


KRD and the Bureau of Reclamation have agreed to work together to build the bridge over the Taneum chute spillway. It is expected to cost $7,000.00 in steel for the bridge and an additional $7,000.00 in labor to get the bridge operational. Arrangements have been made for the necessary reimbursements.


USBR and Jacobs Engineering have both provided their estimates for proceeding with the Easton Drum Gate Carthodic Protection. Jacobs Engineering provided the more affordable estimate and Manager Eberhart requested that a motion be made for KRD to begin working with Jacobs Engineering to continue the project. Director Weaver made a motion to hire Jacobs Engineering for the task and the second was made by Director Bland. The motion passed unanimously.


The immediate plan for the Phased Pressure Tunnel Upgrade is to get a special access rope team and perform quantitative measurements inside the tunnel. Once the measurements are made, development for an elevator system will be designed to allow access inside of the tunnel. If possible, KRD would also like to see the tunnel have the ability to be used to send water both upstream and downstream. Manager Eberhart requested a motion be made to enter into the phase one task with Jacobs Engineering. Director Schnebly made a motion to allow for continuing with Jacobs into this project. The second was made by Director Weaver. The motion passed unanimously.


Manager Eberhart and Legal Counsel Slothower asked the board to consider establishing a procurement policy subcommittee with 2 Board Members to work with them to establish the policy for KRD. This policy would outline the signature authority for the manager to sign on behalf of KRD. An updated procurement process will align well with the continued growth of KRD funding requests. Director Schnebly made a motion to establish the committee members as Director Weaver and Director Hansen and the second was made by Director Weaver. The motion passed unanimously.


The Columbia Basin Partnership Committee Meeting was held in late June in Wenatchee. Manager Eberhart was asked to speak about the process in the Columbia Basin Wide Area at the Marine Fisheries Advisory Meeting in November in Silver Springs, Md.


Legal Counsel Slothower is working on the collection of the delinquent accounts. Letters have been sent to the landowners to collect necessary funds.  


Judy Pierce requested an additional turnout at South Branch 13.8. Mr. Main recommended to allow the second turn out at the customer’s cost. The work would be completed by a contractor approved by KRD in the fall after the water is turned off. The motion was made by Director Bland and a second was made by Director Wakkuri. The motion passed unanimously.


Walter Larrick has agreed to work with KRD as a consultant. A motion was made by Director Weaver and a second was made by Director Wakkuri to approve the contract with Mr. Larrick. The motion passed unanimously.


Manager Eberhart requested a motion to allow the 1962 Ford truck License/C15209, 1961 Ford truck License/C14698, 1971 Chevrolet Truck License/C29370, 2001 Dodge Truck License/95602C, 2002 Chevrolet Truck License/61035C and 2001 Dodge Truck License/B5504C to be declared surplus and sent to the Kittitas County Surplus Auction. Director Schnebly made a motion to approve the request and a second was made by Director Weaver. The motion passed unanimously.


The Board adjourned to Executive Session at 1:43 p.m. for 30 minutes per RCW 42.30.110(1)(b) and 42.30.110(1) (i):(i) with a motion made by Director Wakkuri and a second ade by Director Weaver. The motion passed unanimously. The Board returned to Regular Session at 2:13 p.m. with a motion made by Director Weaver and the second was made by Director Schnebly. The motion passed unanimously.


All Business having been concluded the meeting was adjourned.



Mr. Hansen KRD Board of Directors Chairman



Mr. Eberhart KRD Secretary Manager