Office of Secretary
Minutes of Regular Meeting
June 6, 2006

The Board of Directors of the Kittitas Reclamation District met in Regular Session June 6, 2006. Directors in attendance were Chairman Larry Bland, Vice Chairman Ed Wakkuri, Paul Weaver, Urban Eberhart and Jim Schnebly. Also in attendance were Janeice Jump, Ben George, Greg Newhall, Kathleen Satnik, Paul Green, Barbara Pettit, Ken Hasbrouck and Legal Counsel John Gilreath.

The Agenda was approved with the addition of Executive Session with a motion from Ed Wakkuri and seconded by Urban Eberhart. The motion passed unanimously.

The minutes of the May 2, 2006 meeting were approved by a motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Ed Wakkuri. The motion passed unanimously.

Moving to water update Ken Hasbrouck presented a water update explaining the canal is currently operating at 660 cfs with continued fluctuation. Ken apprised the Board Keechelus is estimated to fill on June 15th-16th with Kachees not expected to fill. June 20th is the estimated date for storage control.

Paul Green presented a maintenance update explaining the field maintenance is on schedule.

Kathleen presented a KCWP update and presented turbidity and tail end spills data for 2006. Kathleen explained DOE will not be doing any temperature monitoring on the Yakima Main Stem this year. Jim Schnebly apprised the Board of discussions with Carol Ready regarding funding and benefits. Barbara Pettit apprised the Board the Manastash contract expired May 31st and the YTAHP contract expires September 30th. Ken explained Carol is moving her office to her home to continue work under the YTAHP contract. Discussion followed regarding the continuation of KRD contracting with YTAHP for funding. Effective June 1st YTAHP is the only funding for Carol's hours.

Moving to Sundance Ridge Greg Newhall, Sundance Ridge, finalized the purchase of property in the sum of $6,045.71 as previously negotiated and published.

Ken Hasbrouck presented update information on the PSE Consent Agreement for construction of the gas line through the KRD. PSE will issue a reimbursement check in sum of $500.00 upon execution of the agreement.

Ken Hasbrouck presented the following land segregations for pre approval subject to meeting the general guidelines. Martensen Trust Sec 1 Twn. 19 Rng. 15; Clayton Thayer Sec. 8 Twn. 17 Rng. 18 and DCCDLC LLC Sec.23 Twn. 18 Rng. 18; Lois Kraemer Sec. 19 Twn. 18 Rng. 19; D. Fennerty Sec. 29 Twn. 18 Rng. 19; Jack Schmidt Sec. 3 Twn. 17 Rng. 20; Randall Bass Sec. 14 Twn. 17 Rng. 20; Stan Evans Sec. 30 Twn. 18 Rng. 19; William Holmes Sec. 32 Twn. 18 Rng. 20; MRM Construction Sec. 8 Twn. 16 Rng. 20; Joseph Gosselin Sec. 33 Twn. 17 Rng. 20; Kenneth Sayre Sec. 34 Twn. 17 Rng. 20 and Cheryl Gerry Sec. 18 Twn. 18 Rng. 19. A motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Ed Wakkuri approved the segregations as presented subject to meeting the general guidelines. The motion passed unanimously.

Ken Hasbrouck presented the USBR 2nd half O & M Payment in the sum of $83,782.78, the USBR CDR payment in the sum of $56,892.78, the USBR Keechelus Dam payment in the sum of $34,885.00 and the DOE LID Drought payment in the sum of $7,623.15. A motion from Urban Eberhart and seconded by Ed Wakkuri approved the payments as presented. The motion passed unanimously.

Ken Hasbrouck presented updated information on 100 18 x 12 inch signs to be posted on the canal banks. Discussion followed with the recommendation KRD continue with posting of canal banks.

Moving to Other Business Barbara Pettit distributed the 2006-2007 insurance coverage through Conover Insurance explaining a thorough review of facilites and coverage was preformed with the Conover representative at the time of renewal. The 2006-2007 premiums show a reduction in premiums with the additional coverage included. Barbara Pettit distributed the 2005 Annual Report for review and discussion and apprised the Board of changes in the BARS reporting standards and costs associated with audits. CD rates were presented for guidance on investment. Discussion followed with the recommendation the CD invested at Sterling for 90 days at 5.25%. Barbara Pettit apprised the Board KRD has been accepted in the Farm Bureau Retro program for 2006.

Upcoming Meetings:

June 5th River Ops/Manager Yakima
June 26th WTWG Yakima

The July Board Meeting date was discussed with the recommendation the meeting be schedule for 1:00 July 12th.

The Board adjourned to Executive Session for 5 minutes to discuss legal matters at 1:45 p.m. with a motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Ed Wakkuri. The motion passed unanimously. The Board returned to Regular Session at 1:50 p.m. with a motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Ed Wakkuri. The motion passed unanimously.

The Summary Vouchers for April expenses Vouchers #27228-27358 & 27360 in the sum of $150,819.50 were approved with a motion from Ed Wakkuri and seconded by Paul Weaver. The motion passed unanimously.

The Directors monthly vouchers were presented for signatures and checks distributed accordingly.

All Business having been concluded the meeting adjourned.

Larry Bland - Chairman

Kenneth J. Hasbrouck - Secretary-Manager


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