Office of Secretary
Minutes of Regular Meeting
June 1, 1999

The Board of Directors of the Kittitas Reclamation District met in Regular Session on June 1, 1999. Directors in attendance were Chairman Urban Eberhart, Vice Chairman Jim Schnebly and Larry Bland.

Also in attendance were Paul Harrell, Janeice Jump, Jack Carpenter, Barbara Pettit and Legal Counsel John Gilreath.

A motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Larry Bland approved the agenda with the addition of an Executive Session for Legal Issues. The motion passed unanimously.

The minutes of the May 4, 1999 meeting were approved with a motion from Larry Bland and seconded by Jim Schnebly. The motion passed unanimously.

Moving to water update, Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board the water forecast continues to indicate a 100% water year.

Continuing under Old Business Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board May 4, 1999 he attended the KCCD Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program. May 6, 1999 Mr. Carpenter and Barbara Pettit participated in a budget workshop at the Kittitas County Fairgrounds sponsored by the Washington Association of Government Accountants. May 12, 1999 Barbara Pettit participated in the US Army Corps of Engineers Permitting Process workshop at the Kittitas County Courthouse and Mr. Carpenter attended the Managers and TWSA Meetings at the Yakima USBR Office. May 17, 1999 Mr. Carpenter atttended the Roza/Sunnyside Board of Joint Control Meeting in Sunnyside. May 19,1999 Barbara Pettit participated in a Public Assistance Program Training Class at Central Washington University presented by the Military Department of Emergency Management and Mr. Carpenter attended the WSWRA meeting in Quincy. May 21, 1999 Mr. Carpenter hosted the Leadership Ellensburg Chamber tour at Easton Dam. May 25, 1999 Mr. Carpenter attended the Tri County Water Resource Agency/DOE meeting. May 27, 1999 Mr. Carpenter attended the Tri County Water Resource Agency

Board meeting. May 28, 1999 Mr. Carpenter attended the Joint Board Meeting. May 29, 1999 Mr. Carpenter attended the Kittitas County Water Purveyors meeting.

Moving to Spider Update Legal Counsel John Gilreath apprised the Board he notified Flow International personnel communication should be with Mr. Carpenter. Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board there has been no communication from Flow International or Spider Staging. Discussion followed with Legal Counsel John Gilreath directed to send a letter.

Mr. Carpenter distributed the Keechelus Dam Update explaining he has requested Rick Parker, USBR, to give a technical presentation and discuss the proposals and payment options at the July 6, 1999 meeting.

Mr. Carpenter presented updated information on the Main Canal Improvement proposal explaining modification have been made following review of the previous bidding requirements with Dick Haapala, CH2MHILL. Discussion followed with the recommendation an early water turnoff date be set at the July Board meeting to allow for the most optimum time for the completion of the project to minimize inclement weather as a factor. It was the consensus the tentative turnoff date be set for October 2,1999 and Mr. Carpenter continue preparing the call for bid proposals. Discussion followed with the recommendation a final decision on the project and turnoff date will be made at the July Board meeting.

Mr. Eberhart presented an update on the YRBWEP Feasibility Investigation Team and CH2MHILL draft review of the Team comments. Mr. Eberhart explained the composition of the team and their responsibilities for review of conservation plans and projects. Mr. Eberhart apprised the Board it was discussed at the Joint Board that there is no Irrigation District representation on the Team, which resulted in the appointment of an Irrigation District Manager to the Team. Discussion followed with the recommendation comments on the draft will be submitted to Dick Haapala, CH2MHILL. Mr. Haapala will prepare a revision for review.

Mr. Eberhart presented a Tri County Water Resource Agency, Planning Unit and Committee update explaining a motion at the Tri County Water Resource Agency passed asking the Planning Unit if consulting is needed and if so, is EES acceptable as a Consultant. The motion further stated that the Planning Unit must submit their response to the TCWRA within the next month.

Jim Schnebly presented a Kittitas County Water Purveyors update explaining he felt the May 29, 1999 meeting attendance was down. Mr. Schnebly further explained he felt the presentation by Parametrix, Inc. was very basic.

Mr. Carpenter presented an Endangered Species Act update. Mr. Carpenter distributed a draft letter from Chuck Garner to Jim Esget for review and comment concerning Joint Board Irrigation Districts being named as applicants on the USBR Section 7 process.

Mr. Carpenter distributed a letter from Legal Counsel John Gilreath to Tom Hawk and Claudia Cumming regarding the O & M road access use. Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board he has received no response from Tom Hawk or Claudia Cumming.

Moving to New Business Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board the State Auditor’s Office has completed the 1997-1998 audit and requested 2 Board members attend the Exit Conference at 9:00 a.m. on June 3, 1999. Mrs. Pettit discussed recommendations to be presented at the Exit Conference.

Mr. Carpenter presented the Arnot/Boddy Short Plat Sec. 20 Twn. 18 N. Rng. 19 E. explaining the required language appears on the face of the plat. Discussion followed with a motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Larry Bland the Arnot/Boddy Short Plat be approved subject to the plat fees being paid.

Mr. Carpenter requested approval to attend the National Water Resources Association Conference in Colorado August 11-14, 1999. A motion from Larry Bland and seconded by Jim Schnebly authorized Jack Carpenter attend the NWRA Conference August 11–14, 1999. The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Carpenter presented the Jim Miller crossing permit Sec. 1 Twn. 19 Rng. 15 lateral 16.6 .07. A motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Larry Bland approved the Jim Miller crossing permit as presented.

The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Carpenter presented the second half Bureau of Reclamation CDR Payment in the sum of $57, 733.78. A motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Larry Bland approved the CDR payment in the sum of $57,733.78. The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Carpenter presented information on the Washington Association of Conservation District Employees July 7, 1999 Salmon meeting in Leavenworth. A motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Larry Bland authorized Mr. Carpenter attend the Washington Association of Conservation District Employees on July 7, 1999. The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board he and Barbara Pettit met with Joel Pearson, Sedgwick, to review the 1999 insurance package. Mr. Carpenter further explained there is a change in carriers to CNA and a reduction in the 1999 insurance premiums. Discussion followed with Mr. Carpenter explaining he is pursuing possible coverage for district siphons.

Mr. Carpenter presented the following for payment to Washington State Department of Ecology in the sum of $ 52,387.50.

KRD Landslide $38,142.77

KRD Drought $ 4,130.68

Glover LID $ 1,239.20

Tozer LID $ 1,419.42

McBride LID $ 3,422.42

Carr $ 833.84

Mahre $ 3,199.17

A motion from Larry Bland and seconded by Jim Schnebly approved the Washington State Department of Ecology payment in the sum of $52,387.50. The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Carpenter presented a Level 3 Communications fiber optics system crossing request. Discussion followed with the consensus a crossing agreement be prepared with the same language as the existing AT&T agreement with the addition of protection language for operation and maintenance of the Kittitas Reclamation District.

Upcoming Meetings:

June 2, 1999 USBR Safety of Dams Inspection Easton

June 3, 1999 Audit Exit Conference KRD

June 14, 1999 Managers/TWSA Meetings Yakima

June 23, 1999 WSWRA Sunnyside

June 23, 1999 America Water Resources Assoc.

June 25, 1999 Joint Board Yakima

Moving to Other Business Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board Monty Nelson, KID Field Operations Manager was killed in a motorcycle accident.

The Board adjourned to Executive Session at 3:00 p.m. for 20 minutes to discuss legal matters with a motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Larry Bland. The motion passed unanimously. The Board returned to Regular Session at 3:20 p.m. with a motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Larry Bland. The motion passed unanimously.

Summary Vouchers for the month of April, 1999 expenses, Vouchers # 16157-16182 & 16308-16388 &16390-16423 in the sum of $154,165.78 were presented for approval. A motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Larry Bland approved the Summary Vouchers as presented. The motion passed unanimously.

The Directors monthly Payroll Vouchers were presented for signatures and checks distributed accordingly.

All Business having been concluded the meeting adjourned.

Jack W. Carpenter – Secretary-Manager

Urban Eberhart - Chairman

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