Office of Secretary
Minutes of Regular Meeting
May 4, 2004
The Board of Directors of the Kittitas Reclamation District met in Regular Session on May 4, 2004. Directors in attendance were Chairman Urban Eberhart, Vice Chairman Jim Schnebly, Ed Wakkuri and Brad Haberman. Also in attendance were Ken Hasbrouck, Paul Green, Roger Satnik, Kathleen Satnik, Janeice Jump, Ben George, Rod Jovonovich, Jack Carpenter, Barbara Pettit and Legal Counsel John Gilreath.
A motion from Ed Wakkuri and seconded by Brad Haberman approved the agenda with the addition of an executive session. The motion passed unanimously.
Moving to New Business and deviating to Sapphire Skies bridge request update Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board Sapphire Skies contacted Dick Haapala, CH2Mhill, who has submitted a letter addressing KRD and USBR concerns. Mr. Carpenter continued explaining the approval process would require USBR approval and would then be presented for KRD approval. Rod Jovonovich addressed the Board explaining Sapphire Skies personnel met with Dick Haapala on site. Rod continued explaining they have met with an engineering company to address bridge design and public safety issues and requested approval of the crossing permit with the stipulation all KRD concerns are addressed. Discussion followed with the consensus that if Sapphire Skies meets the approval of CH2Mhill and the USBR then KRD would approve the crossing permit request.
Returning to the Agenda the minutes of the April 6, 2004 meeting were approved as corrected by a motion from Ed Wakkuri and seconded by Brad Haberman. The motion passed unanimously.
Ken Habrouck presented a water update explaining his recommendation is to reduce the allotment to 1.4 cubic feet pre second per irrigable acre based on an estimated 70% proration from the USBR. Discussion followed regarding an estimated turn off date with the consensus the district operate as long as possible. A motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Brad Haberman authorized reducing the allotment to 1.4 cubic feet per second per irrigable acre subject to change based on information from the USBR and authorizing water transfers between rides except upper county to lower county and additional water to the Pump Ditch lands only when their allotment has run out with no stacking of acres for increased water delivery. Stacking of water will be allowed with the exception of the pump ditch if there is room and there is no impact to other water users and authorized purchase of the Lamb water 978 Acre Feet at $11.00 per foot and pay the Mill Ditch O&M. The motion passed unanimously.
Paul Green presented a maintenance update explaining the Taranap on the Turbine Ditch installed by Reecer Creek Excavating is upside down and the ditch is too low. Jack explained the life expectancy should be the same but the durability is not as strong. Discussion followed with the consensus discussions continue with Reecer Creek Excavating. Continuing under maintenance update Mr. Carpenter presented bills for pipe damaged by KRD burn crews from Rick Haberman $597.74, Scott Shelton $190.79 and Randy Bass $116.59. A motion from Brad Habermand and seconded by Jim Schnebly authorized payment for replacement of the burned pipe. The motion passed unanimously.
Moving to KCWP Update Kathleen Satnik apprised the Board Bethany Wilcox and Karen Olson have been hired to assist with water quality and the lab. Kathleen explained outreach is continuing with approved projects scheduled. Kathleen apprised the Board her meeting in Las Vegas was very helpful and good contacts made. Kathleen discussed the CIDMP explaining all entities agree discussions need to continue on the information and more outreach is needed. Kathleen apprised the Board the water quality lab is going well and may be accredited by the end of May. Mr. Carpenter presented the Bull Ditch and Ellensburg Water Company Inter Local Agreement for signatures.
Mr. Carpenter distributed a Manastash Creek report from Carol Ready explaining work is moving forward.
Mr. Carpenter distributed a letter of response to MountStar/KRD water management proposals.
Moving to Debby Gallie-Miller and her dog "Bud" Mr. Carpenter distributed an email from C N A Insurance stating filing a claim for "Bud" will not impact insurance premiums. Discussion followed with a motion from Ed Wakkuri and seconded by Brad Haberman authorizing the veterinary bills in the sum of $1,121.00 for the accident involving "Bud" be submitted to the insurance company. The motion passes unanimously.
Moving to New Business Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board Greg Armstrong has submitted a claim for damages from the September 2002 canal washout explaining all other claims have been submitted and finalized. Discussion followed with the consensus the claim be forwarded to the insurance company with no recommendations.
Moving to delinquent accounts Mrs. Pettit presented a delinquent accounts report and comparative for Apirl 2003-2002. Discussion followed with the recommendation accounts meeting the foreclosure criteria be provided to Legal Counsel for appropriate action.
Moving to Kittitas County Surplus Auction Mr. Carpenter presented a list of suplus equipment to be consigned to the Kittitas County Surplus Auction June 18, 2004.
Upcoming Meetings:
May 7th River Ops./TWSA USBR – Yakima
May 19th WSWRA Sunnyside
May 19th DOE Public Hearing Hal Holmes
May 28th Joint Board Yakima
Moving to Other Business Mrs. Pettit presented an application for Washington State Labor and Industries coverage for volunteers. Mrs. Pettit distributed information on the medical insurance premium increase of $78.96 per employee per month effective July 1, 2004. Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board a refund check in the sum of $7,699.96 was received from IBM.
The Directors monthly payroll vouchers were presented for signatures and checks distributed accordingly.
The Summary Vouchers for March expenses Vouchers #23857-23959 & 23360-24002 in the sum of $232,902.53 were presented for approval. A motion from Ed Wakkuri and seconded by Brad Haberman approved the Summary Vouchers as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
The Board adjourned to Executive Session at 2:00 p.m. for 10 minutes to discuss Legal Issues with a motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Brad Haberman. The motion passed unanimously. With a motion from Brad Haberman and seconded by Jim Schnebly the Board returned to Regular Session at 2:10 p.m. The motion passed unanimously.
All Business having been concluded the meeting adjourned.
Urban B. Eberhart – Chairman
Jack W. Carpenter – Secretary-Manager