Office of Secretary

Minutes of Regular Meeting

May 2, 2000

The Board of Directors of the Kittitas Reclamation District met in Regular Session on Tuesday, May 2, 2000. Directors in attendance were Chairman Jim Schnebly, Vice Chairman Larry Bland, Ed Wakkuri and Urban Eberhart. Also in attendance were Jack Carpenter, Barbara Pettit, Janeice Jump, Paul Harrel, Ben George, Steve Lathrop and Legal Counsel John Gilreath.

A motion from Ed Wakkuri and seconded by Larry Bland approved the agenda. The motion passed unanimously.

The minutes of the April 4, 2000 were approved by a motion from Urban Eberhart and seconded by Ed Wakkuri. The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Carpenter presented a water update explaining KRD will be at 850 CFS with continued monitoring of drains. Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board the 9.6 pipeline failed and repairs are in progress. Mr. Carpenter further explained there was a washout on the gravity ditch that was immediately repaired and back in operation.

Moving to staff meeting review Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board April 6th Carol Ready attended the DOE Teanaway TMDL meeting explaining the DOE report is available. April 13th was Water Day in Yakima with mediatition following. April 14th Mr. Carpenter particpated in the Managers meeting and River Ops. at the Yakima USBR Office with a 100% water year forecast. April 19th Mr. Carpenter particpated in the WSWRA meeting in Sunnyside. April 20th Barbara Pettit particpated in a Deferred Comp. meeting in Yakima. Mr. Carpenter and Mrs. Bender met with Kittitas County Planning Department to discuss Plat impacts on KRD. Mr. Carpenter participated in a AFW ID status update at the Kittitas County Cattleman’s. April 21st Mr. Carpenter hosted a tour/talk at Easton Dam for the Ellensburg Leadership Group. Mr. Carpenter participated in a AFW ID Workshop at the PUD Office. April 25th Carol Ready presented information to Simon Fraser Graduate Students on water quality issues. April 28th Mr. Carpenter participated in Joint Board where information was presented by Ernie Brannon on using canals for "managed habitat" and "engineered streams" as a tool for preemptive ESA mitigation. Mr. Carpenter explained KRD has offered storage for Tim Nightengale’s invertebrate samples. Mr. Carpenter requested Urban Eberhart participate in the final review of the USBR ESA BA prior to sending it to Services.

Moving to Tri County Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board he was requested to write a letter in response to Yakima County Commissioners thoughts to have Yakima County be the lead entity to coordinate and oversee salmon funding. Mr. Carpenter distributed a letter he submitted suggesting Tri County be the lead entity.

Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board the 30 day CD will mature on May 18th and requested input for reinvestment. Discussion followed with the consensus the funds be reinvested for 30 – 90 days based on rates available on the date of investment.

Mr. Carpenter presented updated information on Water Street Improvements explaing the City of Ellensburg believes the existing sidewalk elevation is comparable with the new alignment. If not they could do an overlay. The rate for the use of the City property is $.40 per sq. ft. which would be approximately $l00.00 per year. KRD would be responsible for purchase and installation of a traffic load rated coal bin cover.

Mr. Carpenter distributed updated information on the AFW ID work group requesting comments and input.

Mr. Carpenter distributed the USBR Biological Assessment requesting comments be forwarded to Pat Monk.

Moving to KCWP Update Mr. Carpenter distributed copies of the Ditch Line and the Water Line prepared by Carol Ready. Mr. Carpenter explained the distribution of the information will help satisfy a requirement for the DOE/KCWP Grant.

Moving to New Business Mr. Carpenter presented information and pictures on the Cabin Creek seepage explaining a pump back system would help with the seepage. Mr. Carpenter explained he requested information from Roza and SVID on their pump back stations.

Mr. Carpenter presented a Turn Out Permit from Dave Morton Sec. 16 Twn. 17 Rng. 18. Mr. Carpenter further explained it will be a syphon from the Skyhook at 16.7-2.13. A motion from Larry Bland and seconded by Ed Wakkuri approved the Dave Morton Turn Out Permit. The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Carpenter presented a Crossing Permit from Bruce L. Wilson Sec. 9 Twn. 18 Rng. 18. A motion from Urban Eberhart and seconded by Larry Bland approved the Bruce L Wilson Crossing Permit. The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Carpenter presented an O & M Road Use Request from Twin City Foods and Sky and Scott Shelton Sec. 33 Twn. 18 Rng. 20 explaining the request is for transporting Twin City Foods waste products to the Shelton property. Discussion followed with the recommendation additional information be requested.

Mr. Carpenter presented the Kitty Mac Sub Division Sec. 15 Twn. 16 Rng. 20 explaining final drawings have not been submitted. A motion from Urban Eberhart and seconded by Ed Wakkuri approved the Kitty Mac Sub Division with the stipulation Jack Carpenter and Urban Eberhart review and approve the final drawings. The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Carpenter distributed the NWRA Papers relating to Amendments to the Warren Act.

Mr. Carpenter presented information on the 1999 Crop Census request from the USBR explaining the information is being requested by June, 2000. Discussion followed with the consensus it is not a reasonable time line request and is currently under discussion and review among districts.

Mr. Carpenter presented a request from State Parks to use the KRD right-of-way from Stevens Road to Iron Horse State Park Trail on June 18th for the annual ride. Mr. Carpenter further explained they will provide the necessary liability insurance with KRD named as additional insured. Discussion followed with a motion from Urban Eberhart and seconded by Larry Bland approving the State Parks request.

Mrs. Pettit presented the delinquent accounts report explaining there are 10 currently owing 1997 assessments. Legal Counsel requested the status of the 1997 delinquent accounts with Kittitas County.

Mr. Carpenter presented the Cle Elum Cabin Family Partnership Crossing Permit at Spexarth Syphon. A motion from Ed Wakkuri and seconded by Larry Bland approved the Cle Elum Cabin Family Partnership. The motion passed unanimously.

Upcoming Meetings:

May 4th Tri County Board             Yakima

May 5th Swauk Valley Ranch      Ranch

May 9th AFW Work Group             PUD

May 10th Mgr./River Ops.             Yakima

May 11th Water Day                      Yakima

May 15- 16th AFW ID Ex. Mtg.     Wenatchee

May 16th Confined Space              Richland

                Entry Seminar

May 17th WSWRA                          Wenatchee

May 21st USBR –Easton Sluice    Easton

                Gates Video

May 25th Tri County                      Ellensburg

May 26th Joint Board                    Yakima

Moving to Other Business Mr. Carpenter distributed information on the Slade Gorton News Release; Sin-Wit-Ki; Hearing looks at Salmon Survival; Chamber Member Focus and NWRA Federal Issues Update.

Steve Lathrop entered the meeting at this time. Mr. Lathrop addressed the Board explaining Trendwest wants to continue keeping KRD up to date on plans pertaining to water explaining Trendwest has filed their Environmental Impact Statement on the MPR. Mr. Lathrop continued explaining the total consumable quantity of water that both projects would use is about 1500-acre feet with instantaneous quantity peaks in July at approximately 15 cfs. Trendwest formulated two ways for getting water for the project. The first is an exchange with the Bureau of Reclamation and the second a non federal source. Trendwest has acquired an estimated 1900 acre feet of consumptive water from tributary and main stem water rights. Any excess water would be dedicated to the State Trust Water Program. Mr. Lathrop explained DOE is looking at the tributary water with a great deal of interest. Mr. Lathrop explained Trendwest stands by the commitment not to have any third party impacts and have gone to some ends to show good faith in that regard in some of the proposals they have made to various diverters. Mr. Lathrop explained Trendwest has tried to identify specific problems at each diversion with topographic mapping of the Yakima River Channel at each diversion and combining it with historical records from the Bureau of Reclamation and identifying the impact at each location with the 15 cfs Trendwest water taken out at Cle Elum. Mr. Lathrop discussed proposals with various diverters explaining Trendwest has obtained the services of Montgomery Watson in Seattle, experienced with irrigation diversions, to address proposals. Mr. Lathrop discussed the MPR Land Use Program, Implementation of an MPR Zoning Classification and an approval process including a site plan, development plan, phasing program and a long range development agreement with Kittitas County with the final decision made by the Kittitas County Commissioners. Mr. Lathrop stated anybody who is directly or could potentially be directly impacted in this water program as their primary concern and Trendwest wants to keep everyone informed and will continually be looking for concerns. Mr. Lathrop extended an invitation to anyone to contact him regarding any questions or concerns regarding the Trendwest Project.

The Board adjourned to Executive Session at 3:00 p.m. for 20 minutes to discuss Legal Matters with a motion from Ed Wakkuri and seconded by Larry Bland. The motion passed unanimously.

The Summary Vouchers for March, 2000 expenses, Vouchers #17623- 17773 in the sum of $153,193.57 were presented for approval. A motion from Urban Eberhart and seconded by Ed Wakkuri approved the Summary Vouchers as presented. The motion passed unanimously.

The Directors monthly Payroll Vouchers were presented for signatures and checks distributed accordingly.

All Business having been concluded the meeting adjourned.

Jack W. Carpenter Secretary-Manager

Jim Schnebly - Chairman

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