Office of Secretary

                                                                             Minutes of Regular Meeting

                                                                             May 10, 2016


The Board of Directors of the Kittitas Reclamation District met in Regular Session on May 10, 2016.  Directors in attendance were Chairman Fred Schnebly, Vice Chairman Paul Weaver, Larry Bland, Mark Hansen and Ed Wakkuri. Also in attendance were Legal Counsel Jeff Slothower, Urban Eberhart, Barbara Pettit, Keli Bender, Kevin Eslinger, Bob Main, Mark Charlton and Janeice Jump.


The Agenda was approved as presented through a motion made by Ed Wakkuri and the second by Paul Weaver.  The motion passed unanimously.


The minutes of the April 5, 2016 meeting were approved with a motion made by Larry Bland and a second made by Paul Weaver. The motion passed unanimously.


Bob Main presented information on the USBR system status report explaining storage is at 85% of capacity with precipitation at 120% of normal.  Bob Main reported that the snotel sites are measuring 66% in the upper Yakima Basin and 49% on the lower Yakima Basin watershed. Bob continued explaining that proration is estimated to be 85% with storage control estimated to begin around June 6, 2016.


No public comments were presented.


 Urban Eberhart presented a Manager’s activity report regarding meetings and activities he participated in during the Month of April, 2016. Urban Eberhart apprised the Board the maintenance laborer position has been filled.  Urban Eberhart requested approval for employee’s sick leave to be transferred to another employee with health issues.  Urban Eberhart requested approval for reimbursement for travel to Washington D.C May 19th – May 25th.  A motion made by Ed Wakkuri and the second by Paul Weaver approved the requests as presented.


Bob Main presented a maintenance update explaining work continues on cleanup from the windstorm and flooding. Bob Main told the Board 500 feet of pipe supplied by the landowner, was installed on the 10.91 Turbine Lateral. There was also 280 feet of pipe installed on the NB 35.1 Lateral with the pipe provided by the landowner.  Bob continued explaining dirt is being hauled and stockpiled south of the Wipple Pumping Plant for a pipeline project scheduled for this fall.


Moving to KCWP update Roger Satnik distributed water quality charts for review and discussion. 


Urban Eberhart presented updated information on the Integrated Plan S1694 explaining work continues. 


Kevin Eslinger presented information on the response to KRD’s Professional Services Roster which was published in the Yakima Herald and Daily Record.  Kevin Eslinger continued explaining the closing date is May 16, 2016.


Moving to Projects Report Urban Eberhart presented information on the Rock Trap Schedule explaining the cultural survey needs to be completed by the USBR. Urban Eberhart continued explaining the USBR will work with KRD to make sure the project stays on schedule.

Kevin Eslinger presented an update on the Washington State Department of Ecology agreement for the SB 13.8 and 13.6 Upgrade Project. All work has been completed and a final walk through was done on May 5, 2016.    


Moving to New Business Barbara Pettit presented a report on delinquent accounts. For those accounts meeting the foreclosure criteria, she requested time for collection prior to sending the report to Legal Counsel.


Barbara Pettit presented the Draft Financial Statements for review and discussion explaining the Annual Report is due and will be filed with the State Auditor’s Office by the May 29, 2016 due date.


Resolution 2016-2 Emergency Declaration for Electric Pump Panel was presented for discussion and approval.  Urban Eberhart apprised the Board an electrician was called following problems with the soft start panel. Urban Eberhart continued explaining the parts were ordered and the necessary repairs were made to get the water running as soon as possible. A motion made by Paul Weaver and the second by Ed Wakkuri approved Resolution 2016-2 as presented.  The motion passed unanimously.


The 2015 Certificate of Records Destruction was presented for review and signatures.  A motion made by Larry Bland and the second by Mark Hansen approved the 2005 Certificate of Records Destruction as presented.  The motion passed unanimously.


Moving to Other Business Urban Eberhart requested approval for the payment of the 2016 Ford Explorer in the sum of $31,394.00. A motion from Larry Bland and the second by Mark Hansen approved the request as presented.  The motion passed unanimously.  Urban Eberhart explained email addresses are being collected from KRD landowners for distributing information to KRD landowners. Also the KRD now has a Facebook Page as an additional method for distributing information.


Barbara Pettit apprised the Board the State Auditor’s Office issued KRD a refund of $684.00 for audit costs.


The Summary Vouchers for March, 2016 expenses vouchers #40102-40181 and 40200 and 40201 in the sum of $230,585.75 were approved with a motion made by Ed Wakkuri and the second by Mark Hansen. The motion passed unanimously.


The Directors monthly payroll vouchers were presented for signatures and checks distributed accordingly.


All Business having been concluded the meeting adjourned.



Fred Schnebly - Chairman


Urban B. Eberhart – Secretary Manager