Office of Secretary
Minutes of Regular Meeting
March 4, 1997
The Board of Directors of the Kittitas Reclamation District met in Regular Session on March 4, 1997. Directors in attendance were Chairman John Scott, Jim Schnebly, Urban Eberhart and Paul Weaver. Also in attendance were Jack Carpenter, Barbara Pettit, Mike Johnston, Joe Mentor, Ben George, Janeice Jump, Patrick Monk, Paul Harrel and Mary Burke.
A motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Paul Weaver approved the agenda with the addition of the Bill Schmidt Short Plat and an Executive Session. The motion passed unanimously.
The minutes of the February 4, 1997 meeting were approved as corrected by a motion from Urban Eberhart and seconded by Jim Schnebly. The motion passed unanimously.
Moving to Water Update Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board the monthly Managers meetings to discuss TWSA will begin in February. Mr. Carpenter explained the Lake Kachess Rehabilitation is going well with work completed above the high water line and the coffer dam has been removed with the Bureau of Reclamation comfortable it will be operational by spring runoff.
Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board the snow melt scenario is very good and everything indicates a good water year ahead.
Deviating to Trendwest Mr. Carpenter introduced Joe Mentor representing Trendwest. Mr. Mentor apprised the Board he worked in Washington D.C. on the Enhancement Legislation under Senator Evans in the early 1980's. Mr. Mentor presented an in depth explanation of the Trendwest position for supplying water to their proposed development in Upper County. Mr. Mentor explained Trendwest has purchased approximately 2,000 acre feet of water rights with approximately 300 acre feet on Big Creek and approximately 1,700 acre feet on the Teanaway with the intent of conveying the water rights to the Bureau of Reclamation with the water left in stream in those tributaries to augment in stream flows and in turn Trendwest would enter into a new Warren Act Contract with the Bureau of Reclamation for a water supply from the Yakima Project to be released from Lake Cle Elum. Mr. Mentor explained the proposed diversion and use of the water with the water having natural flow rights and being available in the Teanaway May 1 - September 15 with the proposed contract use during the same time frame. Mr. Mentor diagramed the proposed water system through the development with an estimated 30% return flow to the system. Legal Counsel John Gilreath questioned the priority date of the new Warren Act Contract. Mr. Mentor explained presumably it would have the priority date the Bureau of Reclamation would have had for water that it could use for New Warren Act Contracts. Legal Counsel John Gilreath questioned if the water would be proratable or non proratable. Mr. Mentor explained it would be non proratable because the water that is being provided to the system through the water rights being acquired is non proratable. Mr. Eberhart questioned how Trend West could guarantee no third party impacts on drought years. Mr. Mentor explained nonproratable natural flow water is being provided to the system and water used by Trendwest would also have that characteristic. Discussion followed regarding priority date and natural flow rights with Mr. Mentor explaining these are questions that need to be addressed. Mary Burke asked Mr. Mentor to explain terms he is using so all could understand the Trendwest position. Mr. Mentor explained this presentation was the first contact with the KRD Board and the expectation was to explain where Trendwest is in the process and expects to come away with more questions that need to be examined as the process continues. Mr. Mentor explained the approach of Trendwest has been to try to identify the need and a likely source of water to meet that need and are making the proposal with the response yet to follow. Legal Counsel John Gilreath questioned what the real need is if fully developed. Mr. Mentor explained the need will be for approximately 1,700 acre feet and are in the process of trying to acquire water rights for 3,500 acre feet with the estimated consumptive use is approximately 50%. Mr. Mentor explained contract negotiations have been with Walt Fite, Tracy Yerxa, Jim Esgot and Steve Fanciullo of the Bureau of Reclamation. Mr. Mentor again explained there are many questions that need to be answered throughout the process. Legal Counsel John Gilreath questioned if there will be any impacts on fish and is Trendwest negotiating with the YIN. Mr. Mentor explained he did not feel there would be any adverse impacts on fish and the first meeting was held with the YIN yesterday. Mr. Mentor further explained they would like to show there will be a net benefit for fish resources and the return flow will meet state and federal water quality standards. Mr. Mentor apprised the Board a scoping session should be within two months with a Draft EIS available this summer. Mr. Mentor continued explaining with the estimate of 3,500 AF and having purchased 2,000 AF to date it leaves the development 1,500 AF short. Mr. Mentor apprised the Board in reviewing water rights there are individuals who have water rights on tributaries who could be served by KRD and there are opportunities for Trendwest to purchase water rights from those individuals if they could be served by KRD by Trendwest buying water rights from the KRD to service those lands which may or may not be within the KRD. Mr. Mentor was advised this proposal would require in-depth review and discussion before any response is considered. Mr. Eberhart apprised Mr. Mentor as a Board they have a fiduciary responsibility to represent the landowners of the Kittitas Reclamation District and support from the KRD Board for any proposal would require no negative impacts and significant positive impacts. Mr. Mentor responded by saying ideally Trendwest would like to see no impacts on KRD explaining any ideas regarding a positive incentive for KRD would be taken back to Trend West. Discussion continued regarding the proposed exchange of tributary water for storage water. Mr. Mentor concluded his presentation saying there is a lot of work ahead and Trendwest and KRD need to continue discussions with a goal of developing a proposal with no third party impacts. Mr. Mentor requested a meeting be scheduled to further to discuss the Trend west position and the operation of the KRD system. It was the consensus of the Board Mr. Eberhart attend the meeting with Mr. Carpenter and Trendwest. Mr. Mentor left the meeting at this time.
Returning to the Agenda Mr. Carpenter presented information from the following meetings. February 12, 1997 Mr. Carpenter met with Joe Mentor representing Trendwest. February 13, 1997 Mr. Carpenter met with Pete Garvin, Gary Noyse, Bob Zigler and Sandro Westermeyer to discuss the 9.6 pipeline. February 13th KRD employees participated in the spray school. February 14, 1997 Mr. Carpenter attended the River Operations meeting at the Bureau of Reclamation Yakima Office and met with FEMA regarding the snow load damage to the shop. February 28, 1997 Joint Board was held in Yakima. Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board March 4,5,6, 1997 3 KRD employees will attend the Bureau of Reclamation Dam Tenders School in Kennewick.
Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board Legal Counsel John Gilreath has reviewed the contract for Pete Garvin with changes and additions to be presented to Pete Garvin.
Mr. Carpenter apprised the KRD Comp. Plan has been accepted by the Bureau of Reclamation and Department of Ecology with the necessary contract being drafted.
FEMA snow load minimum damage limit is $1,000.00 with KRD insurance being the first responsible with a $250.00 deductible. FEMA would reimburse the deductible repair costs with an engineering cost estimate being completed at this time.
Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board he has received written notification from the Bureau of Reclamation they will be responsible for purchasing the lands necessary for the relocation of the canal as a result of the Bristol Slide and will not require reimbursement from KRD. Mr. Carpenter explained he notified DOE no further costs will be submitted and closure of the account will proceed with the repayment schedule to be determined by DOE.
Moving to Lower Straight Wall Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board Pete Garvin suggested a full scope geologic review with no cost estimates available. The study would have no impact on water operation this year but for long term use. Discussion followed with the consensus no action be taken at this time.
Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board he received a letter from the State of Washington Department of Transportation increasing their participation on the South Branch Liner Project by raising their cap from $127,000.00 to $143,000.00 to compensate for the increased costs.
Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board work is continuing on the Cooperative Agreement covering telemetry and Taneum water temperature with the Bureau of Reclamation increasing the funding for the project to $52,000.00.
Moving to New Business Mr. Carpenter presented the Lake Kachess Augmentation Status Report for review and comment. Discussion followed with the recommendation Roza Irrigation District be contacted for their input.
Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board it was necessary to hire snow removal from Upper County maintenance roads to gain access for maintenance with contracts awarded to Caribou Creek and Smith Excavating.
Mr. Carpenter presented a list of equipment requesting the Board declare the equipment surplus to be sold at the Kittitas County Auction. Discussion followed with the recommendation the equipment be placed on the April Agenda.
Mr. Carpenter presented a bill for the 1997 WSWRA Dues in the sum of $ 9,221.24. A motion from Urban Eberhart and seconded by Paul Weaver approved the 1997 WSWRA dues in the sum of $9,221.24. The motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Carpenter presented the Bill Schmidt Short Plat explaining it appears all requirements have been satisfied. Discussion followed with a motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Urban Eberhart approved the Short Plat with the stipulation a water master be designated.
Moving to Upcoming Meeting:
March 6 Taneum Board KRD
March 7 SOAC Yakima
March 10 TWSA Meeting Yakima
March 14 River Operations Meeting Yakima
March 15 Taneum Board Landowner Meeting Thorp
March 20 Roza Irrigation District/Water Quality Sunnyside
March 28 Joint Board Yakima
Moving to Other Business Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board job announcements were advertised for ditchrider and maintenance with 95 applications received. Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board KRD crews were called back to work on February 24, 1997.
Summary Vouchers for January, 1997 expenses #12799-12861 & 12899 &12863-12868 & 12871-12898 in the sum of $99,403.61 were submitted for approval. A motion from Urban Eberhart and seconded by Paul Weaver approved the Summary Vouchers. The motion passed unanimously.
The Directors monthly payroll Vouchers were presented for signatures and checks distributed accordingly.
The Board adjourned to Executive Session at 3:45 for 45 minutes to discuss Legal and Personnel with a motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Urban Eberhart. Chairman John Scott announced a 10 minutes extension at 4:30. Chairman John Scott announced a 5 minute extension at 4:40 and Chairman John Scott announced a 10 minute extension at 4:50. The Board returned to Regular Session at 5:00 with a motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Paul Weaver.
A motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Paul Weaver approved the crossing policy covering bridges, culverts, flumes, pipes, utilities, etc.. The motion passed unanimously.
All business having been concluded the meeting adjourned.