Office of Secretary
Minutes of Regular Meeting
March 4, 2008

The Board of Directors of the Kittitas Reclamation District met in Regular Session February 4, 2008. Directors in attendance were Chairman Urban Eberhart, Larry Bland, Paul Weaver and Jim Schnebly. Also in attendance were Janeice Jump, Ben George, Ron Axtman, Joy Potter, ke Diefenbach, Kathleen Satnik, Paul Green, Barbara Pettit, Ken Hasbrouck, Keli Bender and Legal Counsel Jeff Slothower.

The Agenda was approved as presented with the addition of Executive Session with a motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Larry Bland. The motion passed unanimously.

The minutes of the February 5, 2008 meeting were approved by a motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Paul Weaver. The motion passed unanimously.

Deviating from the agenda, Ken Hasbrouck apprised the Board he received a request from Horizon Wind to supply water during the construction of the wind farm. Ken continued explaining the water needed would be approximately 144,000 gallons a day. Joy Potter, Horizon Wind, addressed the Board explaining Horizon is researching water sources for the project and KRD is located the closest. Discussion followed with Legal Counsel Jeff Slothower addressing use of the water and location of where the water is applied and therefore directed Horizon Wind to contact the USBR. Joy Potter left the meeting at this time.

Returning to the agenda, Ken Hasbrouck distributed a system status report explaining the reservoirs are about 80 % of normal with the snow pack above normal and forecast for a cool weather pattern.

Paul Green reported crews returned to work on March 3, 2008.
Mike Diefenbach addressed the Board requesting modification on the weir box at T 13.3. Discussion followed with the recommendation the KRD maintenance crews work with Mike Diefenbach on the requested modification.

Moving to KCWP Update, Kathleen apprised the Board the 2009-2011 DOE 319 grant is in the negotiation process. Kathleen apprised the Board she has been requested to participate on the E3 Advisory Board. There is a KCWP Board meeting on March 25th. The first water quality sampling of 2008 will be April 1st. . An Interlocal Agreement from Bull Ditch was presented for signature.

Moving to land reclassification, Legal Counsel Jeff Slothower apprised the Board a draft reclassification policy will be presented for review and discussion at the April Board Meeting.

Moving to Manastash, Ken apprised the Board he will be attending a meeting on the Manastash consolidation-screening project on March 6th.
Discussion are continuing with KRD and USBR on the request for easements and use of KRD bridge, road and facilities

Moving to New Business the following segregations were presented for pre-approval subject to meeting the general guideline: Bonnie Jensen Sec. 3; Twn. 18 Rng. 18; Mike Studer Sec. 20 Twn. 17 Rng. 20; Darren Case Sec. 24 Twn. 18 Rng. 19; Charles Firkins Sec. 29 Twn. 18 Rng. 19. A motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Paul Weaver approved the segregations as presented subject to pre-approval subject to meeting the general guidelines. The motion passed unanimously.

The John Deere Excavator in the sum of $139,083.10 was approved with a motion from Larry Bland and seconded by Jim Schnebly. The motion passed unanimously.

Moving to Other Business, Ken Hasbrouck distributed a letter from USBR explaining the 2007 surplus in O & M costs. Barbara Pettit distributed the 2005-2006 Audit Report and information on the new SAS 114 and GASB Statement 45 requiring reporting on Other Post Employment Benefits starting with fiscal year 2009. Ken Hasbrouck apprised the Board a request has been received form John Wayne Pioneer Wagons and Riders for a May 27th event. Discussion followed with the consensus the request be approved with the same stipulations as before. Ken apprised the Board following a cost comparison KRD will be purchasing fuel from A-1 this year at a price negotiated at the same price as the current Kittitas County contract. Ken presented an update on the Bar 14 Bridge explaining the project is on schedule.

With a motion from Paul Weaver and seconded by Larry Bland the Board adjourned to Executive Session for 20 minutes at 1:45 p.m. to discuss legal matters. The motion passed unanimously. Chairman Urban Eberhart announced a 5 minutes extension at 2:05 p.m. The Board returned to Regular Session at 2:10 p.m. with a motion from Larry Bland and seconded by Paul Weaver. The motion passed unanimously.

Upcoming Meetings:
March 7th River Ops. Yakima
March 19th WSWRA Yakima
March 25th KCWP KRD
March 28th Joint Board Yakima

The Summary Vouchers for January expenses Vouchers # 29759-29820 &29309 in the sum of $138,824.25 were approved with a motion from Paul Weaver and seconded by Jim Schnebly. The motion passed unanimously.

The Directors monthly payroll vouchers were presented for signatures and checks distributed accordingly.

All Business having been concluded the meeting adjourned.

Urban Eberhart - Chairman

Kenneth J. Hasbrouck - Secretary-Manager


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