Office of the Secretary Manager

Kittitas Reclamation District Board of Directors Meeting

March 12, 2019 Minutes


The Board of Directors of the Kittitas Reclamation District (KRD) met in Regular Session on March 12, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. Attending the meeting were Division Three Director and Chairman Fred Schnebly, Division One Director and Vice Chairman Mark Hansen, Division Four Director Larry Bland, Division Two Director Ed Wakkuri, Secretary Manager Urban Eberhart, Assistant Manager Kevin Eslinger, Field Supervisor Bob Main, Treasurer Stacy Berg, Lands Clerk & RRA Specialist Keli Bender, Lands Clerk & RRA Specialist Sara Vickers, Legal Counsel Jeff Slothower. Also, in attendance were KRD land owners Janeice Jump and Mark Charlton.

The agenda was approved with the addition of an executive session for reasons consistent with RCW 42.30.110(1)(i):(i) and (iii). The motion was made by Director Wakkuri and the second was made by Director Hansen. The motion passed unanimously.


The minutes for the February 12, 2019 Board Meeting were approved with a motion made by Director Bland and the second was made by Director Hansen. The motion passed unanimously.


Sara Vickers was introduced as the newly hired Lands Clerk & RRA Specialist.


Public Comment: no comments


Water Master Report: As of March 12, 2019, the five reservoirs are at 47% capacity which is 83.4% of average. Precipitation for the reservoirs from March 1st to date is 2.4 inches, or 32% of average. Precipitation for the water year to date is 157.40 inches, or 93% of average. The Snotel Sites for the Upper Yakima Basin are reporting 77% of average and the Lower Basin sites are at 95% of average.


Maintenance Report: Mr. Main reported that there are two backhoes and one excavator that have been working on cleaning canals and laterals. One backhoe has also been plowing snow so that the system can be inspected. There are a couple maintenance employees working in the shop. The rope team continues to work in the Yakima Siphon. The Badger Pocket Ditchrider resigned in December. Marty Haberman who has handled that position in the past has agreed to take that position over for the 2019 water season.   


Secretary Manager’s Activity Report: Mr. Eberhart reported that the Lands Package was passed by the US Senate and House of Representatives. The bill was signed by President Trump earlier today.  


During the week of February 20th, Mr. Eberhart and Director Hansen attended the Family Farm Alliance Conference in Reno, NV.


On January 29th, Mr. Eberhart presented at a Conservation Advisory Group Meeting. The emphasis was on future planning for KRD within the Yakima Basin Integrated Plan and how that fits into Yakima River Water Enhancement Program (YRWEP).   


The 2019 Tributary Supplementation Committee Meeting was held at Kittitas Valley Fire & Rescue on March 8th. The attendees offered widespread support for the program. There was a report presented by the Washington State Fish & Wildlife, and the US Fish and Wildlife on the pit tag arrays that KRD will be working on with the Kittitas County Conservation District (KCCD) through the Voluntary Stewardship Program (VSP) and various other entities.


There is a Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee Columbia Basin Partnership Meeting in Boise, ID on March 18th & 19th.


Central Washington University (CWU) is hosting an Earth Day Salmon Run on April 27th. Director Hansen made a motion to approve the $150.00 sponsorship for the event. A second was made by Director Wakkuri, the motion passed unanimously.


Westside Irrigation Company has requested a meeting with KRD to discuss items of mutual interest. The meeting will be scheduled in the next couple weeks.


When the Upper Yakima System Storage concept was evaluated for capacity it was determined that there was an ability to store more water than was originally anticipated. It became apparent that it is possible to fill the Wymer Reservoir through the KRD canal system. The KRD is now collaborating with the Washington State Department of Ecology and the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) and others to gather more information.  


A press release was issued today for the Water Marketing Study.


Yakima Basin Focused Managed Aquifer Recharge Assessment is identifying locations where water can be stored underground and accessed later for use. The completion of the study is scheduled for September of 2019.  


Funding for Floodplains by Design is being determined at a state level.


South Branch Canal Lining Phase I initially included 3,100 lineal feet which has been completed. Change Order #2 there was no cost associated with, there was a change in some of the methods, which is now complete. Change Order #3 added 1,000 feet and Change Order #4 included an additional turn out and approximately 200 additional feet. All of the turnouts and the termination structures have been placed. The last of the bottom panels are expected to be completed today. That will leave some walls and two over-shots to be done. That will leave approximately 1,200 ft of roadside to complete. Change Order #5 is the curbing project at Wipple and there is approximately 1,500 lineal feet of curbing complete. The Change Order #6 is the North Branch Phase IIIA, 1,040 feet of bottom panels are complete. They were working on 800 feet of wall panels yesterday. The rock trap and turnouts are in place. Manastash Water Ditch Association (MWDA) Connection is on hold this week until additional supplies arrive.     


Treasurer’s Report: The Directors’ monthly payroll vouchers were presented for signatures. Summary Vouchers for the January 2019 expenses and the February 2019 payroll which included check numbers 43015-43079, direct deposit numbers 9901591 through 9901604 in the sum of $821,011.06 were approved with a motion made by Director Wakkuri. The second was made by Director Bland, the motion passed unanimously.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              


Old Business: Legal Counsel Slothower reported that the delinquent accounts for 2018 have been completed. Out of the two accounts that were in the foreclosure process, one account was paid in full the week before the Treasurer’s Sale. The second property, after multiple attempts the bank did not make any contact with KRD. The property was sold at a Treasurer’s Sale that took place on February 22nd at the Kittitas County Courthouse.    


New Business:  Legal Counsel Slothower presented a Policies and Procedures Manual that was intended to put all the existing resolutions in an organized manner that would be available to the public to view if they so desired. There were several reviews that were done on existing resolutions which were found to have some spelling or typographical errors, it was determined to correct the old resolutions with corrected versions. Director Hansen made a motion to accept Resolution 2019-04 (Adopt Diversion Structure and Water Measurement Policy), Resolution 2019-05 (Land Reclassification Policy), Resolution 2019-06 (Adopt Delegation of Authority to Manager Policy), Resolution 2019-07 (Adopt Conflict of Interest Policy) and Resolution 2019-08 (Adopt Water Right Change and Transfer Policy). A second was made by Director Bland, the motion passed unanimously.


Other Business: Director Wakkuri discussed a situation that involved a piece of property on Timothy Lane, where the land was developed and since the subdivision has taken place the new residents are unable to access irrigation water. Mr. Main said he has spent an extensive amount of time trying to find a way to access the development. There was a conversation about the specific problem and right of ways. Further research will need to be done to see if there is any way to accommodate the request.


Mr. Eberhart asked the board to consider sending him to an interactive workshop at the Federal Center in Denver, CO on April 16th & 17th. Director Wakkuri made a motion to approve the travel request to go to the workshop. A second was made by Director Bland, the motion passed unanimously.


Director Hansen reported that he had a meeting with several legislators regarding Kachess, funding for floodplains by designs as well as meeting with lobbyist, Mr. Clark. There was a recommendation that KRD staff meet with Representative Ybarra to have an introduction to the Yakima Basin Integrated Plan.


The Board adjourned to Executive Session at 1:50 p.m. for 30 minutes per RCW 42.30.110(1)(i): (i) and (ii) there was a motion made by Director Wakkuri and a second made by Director Hansen. The motion passed unanimously. The Board returned to Regular Session at 2:20 p.m. with a motion made by Director Bland and the second was made by Director Wakkuri. The motion passed unanimously.


All business having been concluded the meeting was adjourned.



Mr. Schnebly KRD Board of Directors Chairman



Mr. Eberhart KRD Secretary Manager