Office of Secretary
Minutes of Regular Meeting
December 7, 2004
The Board of Directors of the Kittitas Reclamation District met in Regular Session on December 7, 2004. Directors in attendance were Chairman Urban Eberhart, Vice Chairman Jim Schnebly, Larry Bland, Brad Haberman and Ed Wakkuri. Others in attendance were Janeice Jump, Carol Ready, Paul Green Kathleen Satnik, Roger Satnik, Barbara Pettit, Ken Hasbrouck and Legal Counsel John Gilreath.
The Agenda was approved a presented with the addition of Executive Session with a motion from Brad Haberman and seconded by Larry Bland. The motion passed unanimously.
This meeting having been convened and being recognized as the Board of Equalization as advertised will be recognized as the Board of Equalization until closed. A motion from Brad Haberman and seconded by Ed Wakkuri declared the Board of Equalization open. The motion passed unanimously.
The minutes of the November 2, 2004 meeting were approved as amended with a motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Brad Haberman. The motion passed unanimously.
Moving to water update Ken Hasbrouck apprised the Board the USBR water status report shows below normal precipitation with below normal reservoir levels and below normal inflows.
Paul Green presented a maintenance update explaining the gate on the gravity ditch was removed and sent to Yakima for repairs. Paul apprised the Board the Taneum maintenance road construction and structures are complete with Taneum providing the rock for the road.
Kathleen Satnik presented a KCWP Update explaining the 2002-2004 DOE 319 Grant funding was expended in October with the 2004-2007 DOE 319 Grant effective November 16, 2004. Kathleen apprised the Board KCWP has approved paying the costs between grants. Kathleen explained the KCWP is discussing costs incurred by KRD and possible ways to make it more equitable. Jim Schnebly further explained the KCWP is discussing options for equalizing costs incurred by KRD with no decisions at this time and discussions will continue. Jim apprised the Board the consensus of the KCWP Board is for the continued operations of KCWP. Carol Ready presented an opportunity for a $284,000.00 DOE grant explaining a letter was written by Fish and Wildlife stating there was not enough public benefit for funding of the project. Carol explained KRD could submit another project to fit the criteria and sign a contract by June, 2005 or KRD could pass on the money and KCCD could find a project that fits the DOE criteria. Carol further explained the state cost share is equal to the ratio of public benefits to total project cost. Carol further explained the percent of saved water placed in a trust could be the percent of cost share. Lengthy discussion followed with the recommendation additional information on the grant be obtained and other projects be evaluated. Carol presented updated information on the Manastash Project and requested the Boards interest on the option for piping of KRD lateral 13.8 if the Manastash Project could find a satisfactory way to consolidate diversions and pipe the lateral. The Board directed Roger Satnik to review any potential KRD projects to utilize the $284,000.00 DOE Grant Funds.
Barbara Pettit distributed an updated report on delinquent accounts meeting the foreclosure creteria. Discussion followed with Legal Counsel John Gilreath directed to send a letter and file a lien.
Moving to Subdivision Code re-write Urban Eberhart presented updated information explaining Kittitas County is going through the process of rewriting the subdivison code explaining he has been attending the meetings and wants to make sure the water company/ district language makes it into the subdivision code. Urban further explained it appears that most of it is being placed in there at this time. Discussion followed with the recommendation KRD continue to participate in the process.
Moving to Post 05 Water Update Legal Counsel apprised the Board Judge Staufacher set a briefing schedule and it will require a law to justify expempting Roslyn.
Moving to New Business a 2005 Draft Budget Proposal was distributed for review. Discussion followed with the consensus a budget study session be set for a later date.
A motion from Ed Wakkuri and seconded by Brad Haberaman approved the USBR CDR payment in the sum of $56,892.78. The motion passed unanimously.
Ken Hasbrouck presented the Jill Eichman turnout permit Sec. 28 Twn. 19 Rng. 18. Ken Hasbrouck explained he has concerns with the design of the turnout. Discussion followed with the consensus Ken will work with Jill Eichman on an amended design.
Ken Hasbrouck apprised the Board he was contacted by a KRD landowner regarding elk damage to the North Branch Canal. Discussion followed with the consensus Ken draft a letter to the Washington State Fish and Wildlife Department regarding damage done by elk to KRD canals and laterals throughout the system.
The January 1, 2005 DOE Drought Payment in the sum of $14,244.73 was presented for approval. A motion from Larry Bland and seconded by Ed Wakkuri approved the DOE Drought Payment in the sum of $14,244.73. The motion passed unanimously.
The Keechelus Dam Payment in the sum of $93,727.00 was presented for approval. A motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Ed Wakkuri approved the Keechelus Dam Payment in the sum of $93, 727.00. The motion passed unanimously.
Ken Hasbrouck requested approval for closure of the KRD Office December 20th-24th. A motion from Larry Bland and seconded by Jim Schnebly approved the KRD Office closure as requested. The motion passed unanimously.
The Noack Short Plat Sec. 18, Twn. 18, Rng. 20 was presented for approval. A motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Ed Wakkuri approved the Noack Short Plat as presented subject to meeting the General Guidelines. The motion passed unanimously.
Ken Hasbrouck requested approval for the purchase of a 1995 Chev 3500 Maintenance Utility Truck in the sum of $8,640.00, and a 1994 Ford Ranger Pickup in the sum of $3,348.00 from the Washington State Department of General Administration Federal Surplus. A motion from Brad Haberman and seconded by Larry Bland approved the truck purchases as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
Ken Hasbrouck requested approval for Paul Green to carryover vacation hours in excess of the authorized carryover to be used in March, 2005. A motion from Brad Haberman and seconded by Larry Bland approved the request for Paul Green to carryover vacation hours in excess of the authorized carryover to be used in March, 2005. The motion passed unanimously.
Upcoming Meetings:
December 1st-3rd WSWRA Spokane
December 8th Subdivision Code Kittitas County
December 8th River Ops. USBR
December 9th Post 05 Yakima
December 13th DOE TMDL Hal Holmes
Moving to Other Business a letter from Vernon Stokes on Naneum Water History was distributed. Development vs. Sustainability by Christopher A Kent, CWU Geography Dept. was distributed.
With a motion from Ed Wakkuri and seconded by Brad Haberman the Board adjourned to Executive Session at 2:28 p.m. to discuss personnel and legal issues for 15 minutes. The motion passed unanimously.
The Board returned from Executive Session at 2:43 p.m. with a motion from Ed Wakkuri and seconded by Brad Haberman. The motion passed unanimously.
A motion from Brad Haberman and seconded by Larry Bland authorized Ken Hasbrouck be moved into a Management Trainee Position effective January 1, 2005 with no change in pay rate with a letter of notification sent to the Union. The motion passed unanimously. Discussion followed regarding the pay rate for Ken Hasbrouck with the consensus it was the intent of the Board effective November 1, 2004, due to the increase in responsibilities, the pay rate for Ken Hasbrouck was to continue at the water master rate until further notice. A motion from Larry Bland and seconded by Ed Wakkuri authorized the pay rate for Ken Hasbrouck continue at the water master rate effective November 1, 2004 until further notice. The motion passed unanimously.
The Directors monthly payroll vouchers were presented for signatures and checks distributed accordingly.
The Summary Vouchers for October expenses Vouchers #24714-24836 & 24839-24912 in the sum of $139,881.13 were presented for approval. A motion from Ed Wakkuri and seconded by Brad Habmerman approved the Summary Vouchers as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
All Business having been concluded the meeting adjourned.
Urban B. Eberhart Chairman
Jack W. Carpenter Secretary-Manager