Office of Secretary

Minutes of Regular Meeting

December 2, 1997



The Board of Directors of the Kittitas Reclamation District met in Regular Session on December 2, 1997. Directors in attendance were Chairman John Scott, Vice Chairman Laurin Mellergaard, Paul Weaver, Urban Eberhart and Jim Schnebly. Also in attendance were Jack Carpenter, Barbara Pettit, Janeice Jump and Legal Counsel John Gilreath.

A motion from Laurin Mellergaard and seconded by Paul Weaver approved the agenda with the addition of Executive Session. The motion passed unanimously.

A motion from Urban Eberhart and seconded by Laurin Mellergaard approved the November 13, 1997 minutes as amended. The motion passed unanimously.

Moving to water update Mr. Carpenter explained the current reservoir capacity is at 68% with releases to be decreased. Mr. Carpenter further explained November precipitation is 63% of normal with precipitation still above normal for the year. District Managers have discussed and expressed their concerns to the Bureau of Reclamation not to repeat the 1973 release scenario which was to release to much storage water causing a short supply.

Moving to Meeting Review Mr. Carpenter presented information from meetings attended: November 18, 1997 Mr. Carpenter attended the River Operations Meeting at the Yakima USBR Office. November 20-21, 1997 Mr. Carpenter attended the WSWRA Meeting in Leavenworth,

Washington explaining presentations on water quality, threatened-endangered species, and watershed issues. November 24, 1997 Mr. Carpenter met with the Taneum Board.

Mr. Carpenter presented information on the Water Quality/Watershed Program explaining he met with David Chain, NRCS, and DOE regarding information that could be used on a website and possible funding. Discussion followed with the consensus KRD continue to research options.

Continuing under water quality Mr. Carpenter discussed an option on property, 20.36 acres, located in the Yakima Canyon owned by Fish Motel Partners explaining he has done some research and the property is for sale with an asking price of $214,000.00. Mr. Carpenter presented information on flows and water quality and suggested pursuing cost estimates. Lengthy discussion continued on water quality.

Mr. Carpenter distributed the Columbia Northwest Engineering Consulting Agreement. Legal Counsel apprised the Board he sees no problem with the agreement. Discussion followed with the recommendation the contract be approved with annual review. A motion from Urban Eberhart and Seconded by Laurin Mellergaard approved entering into a Consulting Agreement as presented. The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board he met with the Taneum Board and suggested meeting as individual Boards in January to review the contract and then set a joint meeting date to review suggestions and recommendation regarding the contract. Discussion followed with the consensus

Laurin Mellergaard, Jack Carpenter and Legal Counsel John Gilreath serve on a Taneum Contract

Review Committee and present their recommendations to the Board.

Resolution 1997-4 for Director Division 4 election to be held December 9, 1997 was presented for approval and signatures. Resolution 1997-4 was approved by a motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Paul Weaver. The motion passed unanimously.

Moving to New Business Mr. Carpenter requested payment of compensatory time, in excess of authorized 80 hour carry over, for Paul Green and that Paul Green also be authorized to use annual leave hours, in excess of the authorized 160 hour carry over, in March, 1998 at the 1997 rate. Mr. Carpenter requested payment of annual leave hours in excess of the authorized 160 hour carry over. A motion from Laurin Mellergaard and seconded by Jim Schnebly approved the request. The motion passed unanimously.

The second half USBR CDR payment in the sum of $57,819.87 was presented for approval. A motion from Paul Weaver and seconded by Urban Eberhart approved the CDR payment in the sum of $57,819.87. The motion passed unanimously.

Upcoming Meetings:

December 2, 1997 Trend west Courthouse

December 4, 1997 Easton Dam Inspection Easton

December 9, 1997 KRD Director Election KRD

December 12, 1997 Joint Board/River Ops. Yakima

December 15, 1997 Special Board Mtg. KRD

Moving to Other Business Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board winter layoff is tentatively scheduled for December 19, 1997 explaining he will bring back qualified selected employees to do specified projects as needed. Mr. Carpenter further explained he is tentatively planning on keeping Dave Hosmer on to help with mechanical and other needed repairs.

The Board adjourned to Executive Session at 2:10 p.m. for 15 minutes to discuss Legal and Personnel with a motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Urban Eberhart. The motion passed unanimously. Chairman John Scott announced a 10 minute extension at 2:25 p.m. The Board returned to Regular Session at 2:35 p.m. with a motion from Paul Weaver and seconded by Laurin Mellergaard. The motion passed unanimously.

Returning to 1998 Budget Proposal Mr. Carpenter presented the Union Agreement for signatures explaining he received them this morning. Discussion followed with the consensus the contract be reviewed for accuracy and presented for signature at the December 15, 1997 meeting. It was the consensus of the Board the 1998 Budget Proposal be reviewed and placed on the December 15, 1997 Special Meeting Agenda.

Summary Vouchers for October, 1997 expenses Vouchers # 13191& 13857 & 14002-14078 & 14079-14108 & 14119 & 14157-14195 in the sum of $130,488.91 were presented for approval. A motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Laurin Mellergaard approved the Summary Vouchers. The motion passed unanimously.

The Directors monthly payroll Vouchers were presented for signatures and checks distributed accordingly.




Jack W. Carpenter - Secretary-Manager


John Scott - Chairman


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