Minutes of Special Meeting
December 19, 2002
The Board of Directors of the Kittitas Reclamation District met in Special Session on December 19, 2002. Directors in attendance were Chairman Ed Wakkuri, Vice Chairman Brad Haberman, Larry Bland, Jim Schnebly and Urban Eberhart. Also in attendance were Jack Carpenter and Barbara Pettit.
A motion from Brad Haberman and seconded by Larry Bland approved the agenda as presented.
Mr. Carpenter presented a YRBWEP update explaining the USBR has been working with Bill Stovall, a Taneum Creek Tributary landowner. One option would be for the USBR to request U.S. to reclass the Stovall lands, which are within the KRD boundaries, as irrigable and request that KRD service the Stovall reclassified lands. Discussion followed regarding reclassifying of lands within the KRD boundaries. Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board Legal Counsel John Gilreath has been updated on this matter. It was the consensus of the Board the USBR be given approval to proceed with the process as long as there would be no cost to the District and the existing KRD entitlement would not be diluted.
Moving to the Skyhook Pipeline, Mr. Carpenter distributed the current district policy on screening and cost estimates on various screen hardware. Discussion followed with the consensus of the Board to maintain the current District policy of the landowner being responsible for the screening of their own water.
Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board the KRD crews last day of work will be December 31st and requested approval to recall employees as needed weather permitting. It was the consensus of the Board employees be recalled as needed weather permitting.
A motion from Urban Eberhart and seconded by Jim Schnebly approved the following wage increase for 2003: $l00.00 per month increase for Barbara Pettit, Keli Bender, Tina Webster and Paul Green. The motion passed unanimously.
A motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Larry Bland approved the 2003 Secretary-Manager salary at $50,000.00 per year; $l.00 per hour increase for Roger Satnik and the wage schedule for Carol Ready will remain the same as 2002. The motion passed unanimously
The 2003 budget proposal was presented with Mr. Carpenter explaining the changes to individual expense categories. Discussion followed on individual expense categories. A motion from Urban Eberhart and seconded by Brad Haberman approved the 2003 Operation and Maintenance Budget in the sum of $2,461,696.00 and the Construction Debt Retirement in the sum of $113,785.56 with the interest from the USBR Emergency Fund, RR & HWY, Pipeline, US Army #1, US Army #2, US Army #3 and O & M Investments used for 2003 Operation and Maintenance with no increase in the 2003 assessment rates with a distribution of 4.5% Construction Debt Retirement, 95.5% Operation and Maintenance with 11.75% designated for Keechelus Dam repair costs and 1.075% to establish a Pumping Plant Project Fund.
Barbara Pettit presented a 2002 Budget-Actual comparative for expenses and revenues and draft projections for 2003 expenses and revenues for Operation and Maintenance, Construction Debt Retirement and Surplus reflecting no increase in assessments.
All Business having been concluded the meeting adjourned.
Edward R. Wakkuri - Chairman