Office of Secretary

Minutes of Special Meeting

October 22, 1997


The Board of Directors of the Kittitas Reclamation District met in Special Session on October 22, 1997. Directors in attendance were Chairman John Scott, Vice Chairman Laurin Mellergaard, Urban Eberhart, Jim Schnebly and Paul Weaver. Also in attendance were Jack Carpenter and Barbara Pettit, Ken Hasbrouck and Don Boxford.

A motion from Jim Schnebly an seconded by Laurin Mellergaard approved the agenda with the addition of an Executive Session. The motion passed unanimously.

Deviating to Union Proposal Mrs. Pettit distributed copies of the current Union Contract and wages scale and the proposed Union Contract and wage scale. Lengthy discussion followed regarding categories and pay scale with the consensus additional Groups are needed and there are job classifications within Groups that need to be eliminated. Mr. Carpenter invited Ken Hasbrouck, Shop Steward, and Don Boxford, Union Staff Representative to join the meeting at this time. Mr. Hasbrouck and Mr. Boxford addressed the Board regarding the union proposal.

Mr. Hasbrouck explained the requested change in Compensatory Time is based on a member request. Mr. Boxford apprised the Board the change is in compliance with the FSLA which states overtime hours be paid at time and one half whether in cash or compensatory time. Paul Weaver questioned if Compensatory Time is required. Mr. Boxford explained it is not required to offer Compensatory Time but if it is offered it must be compensated at the over time rate of time and one half in compliance with the FSLA. Mr. Hasbrouck discussed the proposed changes in Groups explaining the main purpose of the change is to improve the ditch rider wages and delete Group D as it has not been used for quite some time and is not necessary. Mr. Boxford explained the change of wording in Workmen’s Compensation is a correction of a typographical error. Discussion continued regarding the accrual and use of Compensatory Time. The change in ditch rider wage scale was discussed with the consensus the ditch rider is a liaison for the district and should be compensated accordingly. Mr. Hasbrouck agreed there were classification within Groups that could be eliminated. Mr. Boxford and Mr. Hasbrouck thanked the Board and left the meeting at this time.

The Board adjourned to Executive Session at 2:15 p.m. for 30 minutes to discuss Personnel with a motion from Paul Weaver and seconded by Laurin Mellergaard. The motion passed unanimously. Chairman John Scott announced a 15 minute extension at 2:45 p.m.. Chairman John Scott announced a 15 minute extension at 3:00 p.m. The Board returned to Regular Session at 3:15 with a motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Laurin Mellergaard. The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Carpenter requested approval to increase the pay scale for temporary laborers. Discussion followed with a motion from Paul Weaver and seconded by Urban Eberhart authorizing the pay scale for temporary pay scale be approved at $6.50 to $10.50 per hour. The motion passed unanimously.

A motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Laurin Mellergaard approved the following proposal:

1. Compensatory Time: one and one-half hour compensatory time for each hour worked.

Compensatory time must be used in the year earned. Unused compensatory time will be paid off yearly in December of the year earned.

2. A $.35 per hour increase to all classifications effective January 1, 1998.

3. A $.35 per hour increase to all classifications effective January 1, 1999.

4. Deletion of the following classifications:

1. Shop Assistant

2. Group B - Sub Foreman


5. Adding the following classifications:

1. Group B - Assistant to Shop Mechanic

6. Moving Ditch rider from Group C to a Group E at the pay scale of Group A.

7. Moving Wipple Pumping Plant Operator and Easton Dam Tender from Group A to new Group F at the current pay scale of $11.61.

8. Adding Current Employee only to :

1. Wipple Pumping Plant Operator

2. Easton Dam Tender

Moving to 1998 Draft Budget proposal Mr. Carpenter distributed a draft budget for discussion and review explaining the USBR O & M cost reflects a $50,000.00 reduction from the projected cost based on information presented at the USBR budget meeting. Discussion followed regarding budget categories with the recommendation the proposal be reviewed with further discussion at the November meeting.

All Business having been concluded the meeting adjourned.




Jack W. Carpenter - Secretary-Manager


John Scott - Chairman


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